Professor Stravinsky's hospital
47 and 84 Volokolamskoe Highway
Subway station «Tushinskaya, Spartak, Schukinskaya»
In the novel The Master and Margarita, many of the characters end up in the hospital wards of Stravinsky’s clinic after their encounters with diabolical forces: Ivan Bezdomny, George Bengalsky, Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, the entire staff of the Acoustics Commission and others. It is to this hospital that the Master admits himself four months before Woland’s arrival in Moscow.
‘“But you can get better…” Ivan said shyly. — “I’m beyond cure” the guest answered calmly…’ One theory is that Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways (house 84) and the former Sanatorium for Neuropathics (house 47; nowadays, Psychiatric Clinic No. 12), situated close to the Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo park, served as models for the clinic. Another (more popular) theory is that Stravinsky’s clinic is the former estate of S.P. Patrikeeva, which was built in 1907 by the architect F.O. Shekhtel. A military hospital, a tuberculosis sanatorium and a mental hospital were located here at different times. As in The Master and Margarita, the clinic is beyond the city limits in the Leningradskoe Highway area and it lies beside a river and a pine forest.